Career Advice for The Over 40 Set

Consider consulting and small businesses. Instead of applying online for full-time jobs where there’s enormous competition, offer yourself up as a consultant to companies of all sizes, especially small businesses, even those outside of your most recent industry. Small businesses routinely hire consultants to work on projects where they can take advantage of their expertise, but could not have afforded them on a full-time basis.

Job Search Tips for Older Workers

The older you are, the longer it can take to get a job. According to the AARP, in 2004, it took workers 55 and older 25.8 weeks to find a job, compared to 18.9 weeks for younger worker. As the American population ages (by 2012 almost 20% of the U.S. workforce will be 55 or over) the issue will continue to grow.

What can you do to address age discrimination and promote your candidacy for employment? There are strategies you can implement to help expedite your job search and to find gainful, and meaningful, employment.

Emphasize Your Experience
When writing your resume, there’s no need to include every job you’ve ever had.

Include only the most recent positions (10 – 15 years) and, if you attended college don’t list your graduation dates.

Networking is still one of the best ways to find a job. Regardless of when you graduated, if your alma mater has a career network use it to contact alumni in your field of interest. Use online and offline networking resources to make connections to help with your job search.

Make Age an Asset
These tips and strategies will help you use age to your advantage when job seeking.

Consider a Career Change
Advice on how to successful implement a mid-life career change.

Get Help
If you’re struggling with your job search, consider seeking assistance. There are no-cost programs provided by OneStop Career Centers, non-profit groups, and local libraries, for example, that can assist.

Keep Your Skills Current
Everyone applying for employment, regardless of age, needs to be computer literate. If you can’t send an email, or don’t know what Instant Message is, take a computer class. There are classes offered, free or low-cost, by continuing education centers, churches, libraries, and school. The more current your skills, the better your prospects for finding employment.

Links About Career and Job Changing Stratedgies

Job Search and Career Networking
How to use career and job search networking to find employment opportunities and build your career.
Facebook and Professional Networking
Should you use Facebook for professional networking, and, if so, what is the best way to use it?
Suggestions and tips for using LinkedIn to help with job searching and building your career.
LinkedIn Job Search
How can you ensure that you’re using the full power of LinkedIn to assist with your search for a new job? It’s important to effectively use your connections and to use the information available on LinkedIn when you’re applying for jobs.
How to use LinkedIn as part of your job search, including how to increase your visibility and connections, so employers and recruiters can find you.
LinkedIn Success Stories
LinkedIn job search success stories.
Network Your Way to a New Job
Even if you’re not looking for a job right now, career networking should be a part of your daily, or at least weekly, routine. You never know when you might find yourself in need of a new job.
Participating in Professional Associations
A membership in a professional association can often be an excellent source of employment information and job leads. Here is how membership in one can assist you with job hunting and your long-term career development.
Successful Job Search Networking
Career networking can sound intimidating, but, it doesn’t have to be and job search networking is still the top way people find new jobs.
Using Facebook at Work
An issue for job seekers, in this time of being constantly in touch with your connections, is what happens at work? If you are a student or recent graduate, you have been able to message your friends via Facebook on your computer or cell phone, and you’re very rarely out of touch for a signficant length of time.
Use Your LinkedIn Profile for Networking
How to use your LinkedIn profile to increase your visibility, so employers and recruiters can find you.
The Power of Job Search Networking
Networking itself is not a revolutionary concept, but how people are networking and connecting to great opportunities is changing with next-generation job sites that combine job search and networking. People can now find jobs using powerful search tools on the Web and get jobs based on the strengths of existing relationships.
Job Search and Career Networking Tips
The importance of career networking shouldn’t be discounted when you are in the midst of a job search. In fact, your career network should become a part of your daily work and career-related endeavors, as well as part of your job search.
Second Life and Job Searching
Second Life is a virtual world that can impact your real life job search. Employers are using Second Life to market products, make connections, and even to hire. Individuals are using Second Life to build their career and to job search.
Use the Holiday Season to Job Search
Are you about to start a job search or are you in the midst of looking for a new job? Are you thinking about waiting to start or putting your job search on hold? If so, think again. Contrary to popular opinion, this is a good time of year to find a job.

Personal Contacts can Lead to New Opportunities

Conduct a preliminary comparative evaluation of several fields to identify a few targets for in depth research.

Read as much as you can about those fields and reach out to personal contacts in those arenas for informational interviews.

Shadow professionals in fields of primary interest to observe work first hand. Spend anywhere from a few hours to a few days job shadowing people who have jobs that interest you. Your college Career Office is a good place to find alumni volunteers who are willing to host job shadowers.

Career Alternatives

Brainstorm ideas for career alternatives by discussing your core values/skills with friends, family, networking contacts and counselors. Visit career libraries and use online resources like those found in the Career Advice section of the Job Search website.

Take a Free Career Test

Assess your interests, values and skills through self help resources like the exercises in What Color is Your Parachute. Review past successful roles, volunteer work, projects and jobs to identify preferred activities and skills. Determine whether your core values and skills are addressed through your current career.

Be apart of the Health Care Revolution

Health Care Reform Now!: Social Networking For Health
Alternative health care treatments are a necessary component of any discussion of primary care health care delivery systems reform. The research shows that these natural, non-invasive, non deadly, inexpensive therapies are increasingly evidenced based and are rapidly becoming mainstreamed by traditional allopathic practitioners.

The lower costs of training professionals and of treatment delivery, coupled with patient satisfaction, are clear benefits of their usage- for the greater good of all.

How can you

“earn while you learn”?

Become a part of the health care revolution!

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Tell a prospective student about

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Since their program is selective and it is important to them to keep the tuition low they do not advertise to the general public. They only take intelligent, caring people to train to continue to spread the word and practice the arts and science of natural healing. They rely on recruiters, Guidance Counselors and social networkers to attract new students.

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For more details click here.

How to Evaluate Your Current Job Satisfaction

Keep a journal of your daily reactions to your job situation and look for recurring themes. Which aspects of your current job do you like/dislike? Are your dissatisfactions related to the content of your work your company culture or the people with whom you work?

We $1,000 for new students you recruit. Register to become a recruiter at American Eastern Institute

Find out more here at

American Eastern Institute Recruits Recruiters

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1) Do you like to help people feel better?
2) Are you interested in health and medicine but      turned off by bodily fluids?
3) Is a 4 year degree too much time and money?
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6) Would you enjoy talking with people about
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9) Do you appreciate the importance of higher
10) Would it be easier and cheaper for you to get
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American Eastern Institute

College, Career Development, and Job-Search Articles

College, Career Development, and Job-Search Articles

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Here are our most recently published article(s) on Quintessential Careers:

· Follow Through: Strategies and Scripts to Keep You in The Interview Game

· Interviewing Prep: Job Interview Checklist

· Job Interview Post-Mortem: Deconstructing Your Job Interview’s Highs and Lows

· Mind Mapping: A Tool for Job-Interview Prep

· 10 Tips for Writing a Job-Search Interview Thank-You Letter

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