Tag Archives: second life

Links About Career and Job Changing Stratedgies

Job Search and Career Networking
How to use career and job search networking to find employment opportunities and build your career.
Facebook and Professional Networking
Should you use Facebook for professional networking, and, if so, what is the best way to use it?
Suggestions and tips for using LinkedIn to help with job searching and building your career.
LinkedIn Job Search
How can you ensure that you’re using the full power of LinkedIn to assist with your search for a new job? It’s important to effectively use your connections and to use the information available on LinkedIn when you’re applying for jobs.
How to use LinkedIn as part of your job search, including how to increase your visibility and connections, so employers and recruiters can find you.
LinkedIn Success Stories
LinkedIn job search success stories.
Network Your Way to a New Job
Even if you’re not looking for a job right now, career networking should be a part of your daily, or at least weekly, routine. You never know when you might find yourself in need of a new job.
Participating in Professional Associations
A membership in a professional association can often be an excellent source of employment information and job leads. Here is how membership in one can assist you with job hunting and your long-term career development.
Successful Job Search Networking
Career networking can sound intimidating, but, it doesn’t have to be and job search networking is still the top way people find new jobs.
Using Facebook at Work
An issue for job seekers, in this time of being constantly in touch with your connections, is what happens at work? If you are a student or recent graduate, you have been able to message your friends via Facebook on your computer or cell phone, and you’re very rarely out of touch for a signficant length of time.
Use Your LinkedIn Profile for Networking
How to use your LinkedIn profile to increase your visibility, so employers and recruiters can find you.
The Power of Job Search Networking
Networking itself is not a revolutionary concept, but how people are networking and connecting to great opportunities is changing with next-generation job sites that combine job search and networking. People can now find jobs using powerful search tools on the Web and get jobs based on the strengths of existing relationships.
Job Search and Career Networking Tips
The importance of career networking shouldn’t be discounted when you are in the midst of a job search. In fact, your career network should become a part of your daily work and career-related endeavors, as well as part of your job search.
Second Life and Job Searching
Second Life is a virtual world that can impact your real life job search. Employers are using Second Life to market products, make connections, and even to hire. Individuals are using Second Life to build their career and to job search.
Use the Holiday Season to Job Search
Are you about to start a job search or are you in the midst of looking for a new job? Are you thinking about waiting to start or putting your job search on hold? If so, think again. Contrary to popular opinion, this is a good time of year to find a job.